29/09/2024: The new version 24.1 of ScanNav is available. Check what's new
09/10/2024: New October 2024 edition of Vector SnMap and Raster SnMap charts available.
30/11/2023: New version 4.0 of the TP Vagnon Hauturier and TP Mer Suisse software.
28/06/2020: New 3.0 version of ScanNav Compagnon
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ScanNav Versions History

10/19/2024: patch of installation package for version 24.1 64-bit
  • A dll was missing in the installation of the 64-bit version
  • Only impacts the use of the Actisense NGT-1 and NGX-1 input adapters
  • The main executable remains the same as version 24.1
29/09/2024: Version 24.1
  • 64-bit version available
    • The 64-bit version brings even more performance, and is compatible with the vast majority of PCs/tablets that run under 64-bit Windows. However, it is not compatible with 32-bit Windows.
    • All the features of the 32-bit version are available except the support of the Actisense NGT-1 and NGX-1 adapters for the native Nmea 2000 output which will come in a later version (functional in input).
    • You should therefore only need the 32-bit version in one of the following 2 cases
      • Your version of Windows is 32-bit
      • Or you are using an Actisense NGT-1 or NGX-1 adapter
      • Note that the 32-bit version is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
    • Note that the XP version is only available in 32-bit, and will be discontinued soon. Microsoft has indeed stopped supporting XP for a long time, and the number of users still using XP is decreasing.
  • Simplification of the procedure for obtaining temporary licenses
    • Request and activation procedure directly via ScanNav
    • Ability to choose the test map area
    • see documentation
  • Ability to set the length of the compass heading line (see release notes)
  • Improvements to creating/editing routes (see release notes)
    • Ability to add points to an existing route
    • Ability to join and split routes
    • Elimination of duplicate waypoints in route waypoint selection
  • Revised the navigation control dialog (goto waypoint). See updated documentation for more details.
  • Toolbar management improvements
    • Review of the organization of tools in the default toolbars
    • Added new simplified buttons: it is no longer necessary to add personal toolbars
    • Note: Some toolbar customizations may need to be reviewed.
    • see details in the release notes
  • Tablet mode ergonomics: New toolbar to emulate keys Ctrl,Alt,and Shift.
  • Corrections
    • Correction of the display of currents after launching a routing.
    • Correction of an unjustified license update notification problem
    • Correction of impossibility to hide soundings on ENCS and Vector SnMap maps
    • Correction of various problems on Nmea2000 outputs.
    • Correction of the "Auto Scale" tool that no longer worked
  • Various improvements
    • Ergonomics: On the very first launch of ScanNav after the initial install, the position and scale were not adapted
    • Some windows could be difficult to recenter if they were moved to the edge of the screen
    • Tracking: an error message arrived in a loop if tracking was active without an Internet connection. It is replaced by the status of the tracking button which turns red.
    • Possibility to disable GPS non-reception alarms.
    • Improvement of the loading time of objects at startup, which could be long depending on the configuration.
    • Localization: nmeaPlayback is now translated into the languages available in ScanNav (French, English, German, Spanish, and Italian).
    • Various internal technical improvements
24/05/2024: Version 24.0SP1
  • Fixed potential crash at startup after updating Vector SnMap packs
  • Fixed temporary license loss issue when receiving invalid nmea sentences.
  • Improved the system for resuming the download of chart packs which could fail on bad connections
  • Improved tracking on loss of connection.
  • Fixed an update issue specific to the Vector SnMap Germany pack
  • Fixed problem of insufficient dialog box size on certain error messages
  • Implementation of Nmea sentences filters (see Release Notes)
  • Support for !AXVDM sentences used for AIS satellite relays
05/05/2024: Version 24.0
  • New tracking service. Main possibilities:
    • Sending the complete track with all the details and periodic updates
    • Possibility to send other information such as routes, waypoints, danger areas...
    • Visualization with basic cartography on a dedicated and customizable web page for each user
    • Just provide the personalized link and password to your contacts so they can follow your adventures
    • More info in the Release Notes
  • KML/KMZ export improvements
    • implementation of graphic attributes (color & line thickness, waypoint symbols, etc.)
    • added comments from wp, route, and tracks
    • addition of periodic waypoints for track exports
    • Use of the .kmz format to save a lot of space
  • GPS, Instruments & Connections
    • Improved support for internal GPS with alternative protocol implementation for GPS not implementing the full protocol
    • Filter for inconsistent positions on unstable connections with strong interference
    • New HDOP/TypeFix/nb Satellite repeaters (available in the Sensors tab)
    • More info in the Release Notes
    • Nmea 2000 outputs via Actisense NGT1 and NGX1, and general improvements to Actisense initialization.
    • Sending source and destination waypoints to the pilot in Nmea 2000 and 183
    • Possibility to set different sending rates depending on the sentences or PGN (183 and 2000)
    • More info in the Release Notes
  • Improved management and display of long routes in longitude (Over 180°)
  • Review of cartographic reference management, with performance improvement, and correction of potential (but rare) blank page problems
  • Various improvements/fixes
    • Fixed potential crash correction linked to night vision
    • Fixed crash linked to incomplete Grib files
    • Bug fix on undo of complex commands which did not restore everything
    • Correction of waypoint import in text format, linked to the column separator, and certain position formats which could be misinterpreted and create a crash.
    • Support for some Nmea dispatch software that do not comply with the nmea183 standard (e.g. GeolocationTCP). Requires specific settings, contact us if necessary
    • Fixed boat display problem near meridian 180
16/11/2023: Version 23.2SP1
  • Fixed crash on import into the Currents module of grib files without current data
  • Fixed various issues related to multiple selection of routes and waypoints including protected elements.
  • Improved selection: Right-clicking on a selected object, no longer extends the selection to other objects intersecting the point (avoids including parent routes in the selection)
  • Limitation of the in/out zoom level to avoid problems linked to limits and inconsistent values, which could happen especially when using the wheel excessively.
    • Zoom out is limited so that the displayed area does not exceed 360° in longitude
    • Zoom in is limited so as not to exceed the scale 1:100
29/10/2023: Version 23.2
  • New water height calculation engine:
    • This new calculation engine was developed in collaboration with Jacques Tiphine from Marées dans le Monde. The results are very close to those obtained by Shomar, and the base of available ports has been improved
    • Addition of various information such as ephemeris, and improvement of the display / readability of the curve
    • Integration as a database with (optional) display of available ports on the chart
    • See documentation for more details.
  • Date synchronization extended to water heights, and can be activated independently for each window
  • Ability to select any time zone in the Current and Grib windows
  • AIS module: display improvements especially when many targets are present
  • Improved display of ENCs, particularly on sounds for certain ENCs where sounds are not grouped
  • Improvements in the real time route followup - See Release notes for more details.
  • Changes to route waypoint management, to correct various issues related to waypoint sharing - See Release notes for more details.
  • Various small ergonomic improvements
  • Installation of SnMap charts much smoother and non-blocking
  • Routing: Fixed a bug where routing could cross the coastline in extreme conditions
  • Fixed a screen refresh problem that occurred from time to time after moving the map view
  • fixed issues on areas straddling the 180° meridian
  • fixed installation of updates: If the user had chosen a directory other than the default one, it was not automatically taken into account for an update
  • Fixed some rare potential crashes
  • Grib download service: new Worldwide Arpege model at 0.25°
  • SnMap Charts: Extension of coverage of the Raster SnMap, and Vector SnMap offers
21/05/2023:Version 23.1SP2
  • Grib module Correction: It was impossible to select the display of wind gusts
12/05/2023: Version 23.1SP1
  • Improvement of the update system:
    • When a new version is available, ScanNav will propose to download and install it directly from ScanNav, without having to manually go to the site.
    • ScanNav first checks if your license allows you to install the latest version, and offers to subscribe to the update if necessary.
  • Fixed Navionics chart query: In very rare cases, closing the Navionics info dialog could result in closing ScanNav.
03/05/2023: Version 23.1
  • Repeaters: Improvements on the organization of repeaters (locking, grouped manipulations, alignments, etc...). See documentation
  • Ergonomic improvements for tablets and ultra-high resolution screens: All dialogs can now be enlarged including larger buttons and texts. See Release Notes
  • Adaptable configuration of toolbars and repeaters: The layout of toolbars and repeaters is now remembered according to the screen configuration. You can thus have different configurations depending on whether you are in portrait or landscape, or single/multi-screen
  • New night vision mode. See Release Notes
  • Increased Addressable Memory: Addressable memory has been increased by 2, eliminating memory issues on loading some huge Gribs, or Navionics charts on large ultra-high resolution displays with certain settings.
  • SNTides improvements: Water level requests now each open in an independent SNTides window, allowing multiple ports to be viewed, and fixing a problem related to the current module, where the port selected in SNTides would unexpectedly return to the currents reference port.
  • Routing: Improvements related to the interaction with the route plan and the automatic centering of the boat.
  • Addition of an "apply" button on the properties windows of all object types, allowing to preview the modifications before closing the dialog
  • AIS fix: Collision alerts could be triggered for own MMSI entered in preferences, if "use as backup GPS" option was checked.
  • Fixed Repeaters: When loading a repeater configuration, it could not be properly restored during the next session.
  • Fixed Linux version-specific issue: Double-clicking repeaters did not go fullscreen.
  • NmeaPlayback improvements: NmeaPlayback can now serve multiple TCP connections simultaneously.
05/02/2023: Version 23.0SP2
  • Correction of a shortcut issue: When launching ScanNav with the desktop shortcut, ScanNav could not find the dependent programs (Grib download and water heights). This issue did not affect shortcuts from the Windows start menu.
  • New web layers available (Google Satellite, Hybrid, Map, and ArcGIS Satellite)
01/02/2023: Version 23.0SP1
  • Improved fluidity of web layers and Navionics charts display
  • Improved display quality of waypoints and symbols under XP when using map orientation
  • Review of the display settings window More information in the documentation
  • Improvements specific to Linux/MacOS/ChromeOS via Wine
    • Enhanced display quality with the support of Direct2D technology under Wine (see installation documentation)
    • Map orientation feature is now available, bringing compatibility to 100%
    • The official version of Wine 8.0 is available as a stable version, making installation easier
  • Fixed margins that could appear around Navionics charts at certain scales
  • Installation fix: default polar installation was missing
14/01/2023: Version 23.0
  • ScanNav can now run on Linux, MacOS, and ChromeOS
  • The installation procedure has been completely revised
      A new installation system has been adopted, and it is now possible to update any version with a single installer, which greatly simplifies the installation and updates of ScanNav, and eliminates the recurring problems related to Windows Installer. This new installer also makes it possible to be displayed in all the languages available in ScanNav (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian)
  • You can now be automatically notified when a new version is available. More information in the documentation
  • Documentation structure has been revised
    • The navigation inside the documentation is improved
    • It is possible to print it in a simple way.
    • Available natively in French and English, it is now possible to consult it online translated into most languages (automatic translation).
    • More information in the documentation
  • The Grib and Currents settings windows are now non-blocking. More information in the documentation
  • Correction of partial display of some BSB charts that are not North Up
  • Correction of small memory leaks on reception of Nmea2000 from the Miniplex
  • Miscellaneous minor changes
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