29/09/2024: The new version 24.1 of ScanNav is available. Check what's new
09/10/2024: New October 2024 edition of Vector SnMap and Raster SnMap charts available.
30/11/2023: New version 4.0 of the TP Vagnon Hauturier and TP Mer Suisse software.
28/06/2020: New 3.0 version of ScanNav Compagnon
ScanNav home page

Navigation Software
Navigate in Full Security

Legal notices

Our company

ScanNav has been in business for over 20 years. Originally under a Micro Enterprise structure as a personal company, ScanNav evolved into a SAS structure at the end of 2019.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of Law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, known as LCEN, we bring to the attention of users and visitors of the site scannav.com the following information:

The scannav.com site is the exclusive property of SAS SCANNAV, the publisher.

SAS au capital de 1000 €
15, Allée de la Lande - 33610 CESTAS - FRANCE
Registered at the "Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Bordeaux" on 3/10/2019
Siret number: 87777183200012
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Publication director : Marc Lombard
Mail: postmaster@scannav.com
Tel: +33 6 14 14 93 50


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